Thursday, March 11, 2010

DNA Test Proves Dulmatin's Death

National Police Chief Gen. Police Bambang Hendarso Danuri stated that, based on the examination of the National Police forensic team, it can be assured that one of the three terrorists killed is Dulmatin alias Yahya Ibrahim alias Mansyur alias Joko Pitono, one of the most wanted terrorists.

"(Guaranteed) 100 percent with only one in a 100,000 trillion chance of error that he (the killed terrorist) was Dulmatin, and this is accountable professionallly," stated the National Police chief at the press conference, Wednesday. Accompanying the chief at the conference were, National Police Deputy Chief Comr. Gen. Jusuf Manggabarani, Chief Detective Comr. Gen. Ito Sumardi, General Oversight Inspectorate Comr. Gen. Nanan Soekarna, Police Spokesman Insp. Gen. Edward Aritonang, National Police Medical and Health Center chief Brig. Gen. Police Mussadeq, and other high ranking police officials.

Mussadeq confirmed that based on secondary data, among which, the mole below the lips, the eyebrow curves, and the shape of the dead body's chin, they are all similar to Dulmatin's facial features. They have also compared pictures of the dead man's face with Dulmatin's when he was alive, and they concluded that the pictures matched.

Then, he stated, they looked into the primary data, which are the finger print and DNA tests. For the finger print, the National Police didn't have the data, but Dulmatin's DNA is registered in their database. They took DNA samples for comparison from Dulmatin's family, which were from Mrs. Haj Masniati, 48, and Ali Usman, 12. The DNA test proved that the dead man is indeed Dulmatin.

Previously reported, Dulmatin was killed in a Multiplus internet cafe, at the Puri Pamulang stores Block A No. 6, Siliwangi Street, Pamulang, South Tangerang, Tuesday, at 11.30 am, during the raid. Dulmatin had to be shot because he was resisting arrest by shooting a revolver at the police. He died before his computer. | 03/11/2010


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